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Should We Flatten the Radon Curve?

KC Area Residential Radon CRM Plot

Week October 28-November 4, 2020

(Airthings Wave Plot, pCi/L)

Continuous radon data will change the world of indoor air quality.  In the past, “real time” Radon test equipment has been too costly for the general public.  Data from charcoal tests, the industry standard for the past century, gives no information on hourly fluctuations. But with CRM (Continuous Radon Monitoring)  instrument costs dropping below $200, homeowners, and test engineers, will start recording and analyzing hourly data.

The baseline is often randomized by weather variables. The bottom line: radon (from natural soil minerals commonly found throughout the globe) migrates into ground contact buildings. It is a toxic inhalation hazard that enters the bloodstream and leads to many degenerative health issues. The wide variability masks its relationship to diseases, so medical research often fails to find the cause of illness.  The good news is that affordable data will bring an end to radon’s lack of detection. It’s blood borne radiation damage will be well documented, and affordable technical advances will reduce indoor exposure. 


“Leapfrog MVP,” an affordable centrifugal air cleaning development, adds ionization and magnetic separation to naturally spin out heavy radon gas.  Testing discovered this process also removes other contaminants (including carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and VOCs--volatile organic compounds.) Other studies indicate the ionization process within “LEAPFROG-MVP” will kill COVID19 and other pathogens.  Unlike other ionization systems that inject charged particles into breathing air, LEAPFROG immediately removes airborne ions, that can cause corrossion damage to electronics, mechanical equipment, or stress the immune system of building occupants.

New Product
Development Opportunity
Centrifugal Radon Extraction



US Patent 10,052,642






First National Business Corporation

4228 S Hocker Street

Independence, MO   64055

phone:  816-799-0911



First Bench Test Prototype
HI DEF:  SEE youtube:
LEAPFROG® Air Cleaning System, with no moving parts, spins heavy radon gas out of building air.  System likely kills and removes COVID19 and airborne pathogens and allergens.  While testing, it was found to also remove the lighter gas, Carbon Monoxide.  Research revealed that spiraling air friction charged dust and gas particles adding forces that benefit air cleaning.  Testing revealed unprecedented success removing 99.5% of the 40 pCi/L laboratory generated radon gas in 5 hours of operation. 
Manufacturing collaborators are being sought to help bring this product to market as a breakthrough technology reducing alpha radiation exposure from the largest single component to human background radiation--radon gas.  Radon (a known lung cancer risk) may also contribute to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, male infertility, and many other degenerative health problems for humans and animals. 
Desk studies have identified potential radon links with grazing animal diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), Mad Cow, and Scrapie. 
1.  Deer in multiple parts of the USA known for elevated radon soil gas levels, have been found with CWD, though radon was not identified in published discussions.
2.  CWD has been identified as a problem in Finland (known for the world's highest average radon exposure.)
3.  CWD biomarkers include lesions in the brain and central nervous system.
If radon is common globally in sedimentary surface soil, as reported by WHO, grazing animals would likely show evidence of alpha radiation impacting their central nervous system.  This could lead to mad cow disease, zombie deer (CWD), and "Scrapie" among sheep and goats.  Scrapie is a mysterious central nervous system disorder where sheep and goats loose coordination and balance, and rub up against trees and rocks to keep from falling down.  It's unknown cause is suspected to be microbial, though a radon link is consistent with global radium found by geologists in surface soils.
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